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Butte County Office of Education

Butte County Office of Education

Future Educator Support

Interested in becoming a teacher? We can help!

Interested in becoming a teacher? We can help!

FES Overview Video Image
    • Watch the FES Overview Video for an insight into what our program can offer you: LINK 1


The mission of Future Educator Support is to provide access to a diverse cadre of educators and develop high-quality culturally responsive practitioners that will serve and lead our diverse learners with equity through the lens of social justice.
FES Overview Survey Image
  • If you would like to receive our support, complete the following survey and our team will email you with the next steps: LINK 2


Facilitate the development of innovative, responsible, dedicated, and engaged future teachers.


Future Educator Support (FES), is a program of Butte County Office of Education that partners with California colleges, Local Educational Agencies, and Migrant Education programs throughout the state in providing programs and services. Our two-prong approach at FES addresses the needs of supplemental services for our K-12  migratory students and our post-secondary working adult aspiring educator population in the state of California.

FES designs and delivers supplemental services to Migrant Programs with a focus on ELA & Math support through the integration of STEAM and Makerspace models. Our programs are offered during the school year and summer programs. In essence, we design a TURNKEY program to best serve your migratory students. 

With our teacher pathways, FES strives to address the teacher shortage in the state of California by developing high-quality 21st-century educators to support our language learners across the state. Our post-secondary program recruits college students, and working adults interested in becoming teachers. Future teacher candidates are set up for success as they participate in our teacher pathways and receive individualized student support, in-house advising, and an array of platforms for test preparation. 
Future Educator Support Staff

Future Educator Support Staff