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Butte County Office of Education

Butte County Office of Education

2024 Region 2 Migrant Summer Program at Fresno State University

2024 Region 2 Migrant Summer Program at Fresno State University


Through Case Management, Intervention Specialists (ISs) will provided support for low performing migrant students with the goal of helping them become successful. The target group of students for this service is Priority for Service (PFS) and/or Academically At Risk 9th-grade students. ISs will provide additional support including homework help, tutoring, and referrals to counselors, school interventions, credit recovery/accrual programs, and other District and Migrant Education services. Students will be encouraged to attend college visitations in order to break down cultural and language barriers and expose students to post-secondary education.
Out of School Youth (OSY) refers to migrant students between 14 and 21 years of age, who are not enrolled in school, predominantly here to work, and often lack formal education. MEP provides OSY targeted support by linking students with agencies that offer health care screenings, and by referring students to health, nutrition, and social services. Workshops cover a variety of topics including; nutrition, mental health supports for anxiety and depression, how to maintain health and hygiene, and more.
Migrant Education staff work in close partnership with school districts and county offices of education, community organizations, and health care service providers in order to refer migrant students (including OSY) who present the need for appropriate mental health services. These staff, along with Parent Education Specialists organize and facilitate health workshops for parents, students, and staff that promote mental well-being and self-esteem; and help staff, parents, and students recognize the signs of depression; and how to cope with stress.
Migrant Education staff coordinate with other agencies in order to provide referrals to low cost community resources to address emergency medical, vision or dental needs of migrant families. Migrant students may receive emergency medical, dental care and hygiene products and supplies. Migrant staff will provide migrant students opportunities for free dental screening and will provide dental supplies and instruction on healthy dental care to migrant students in need of this service. Migrant students that have a health need documented will be referred to the appropriate agency.


Math Champions is designed to help Migrant Students meet the same challenging State academic content standards and challenging State student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet. This program is an afterschool math service for K – 10th grade students. Students participate in math activities, skills-based games, team problem solving, and process learning. Teachers will help students set goals, evaluate, and acknowledge their growth throughout the service. At the Family Math Literacy Nights, parents learn ways they can help their children develop math skills at home.
Writing Champions is designed to help Migrant Students meet the same challenging State academic content standards and challenging State student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet. Students work on elements of writing such as character, organization, and voice, to produce a complete story, which is ultimately published in book form. For early learners in Kinder through grade 2, students experience writing through Units of Study, inclusive theme oriented instructional segments where the focus on writing is threaded into the topics being covered in text. For middle and high school students, Writing Champions is shaped by TED Talks for students. Participants develop ideas around the topics they most want to explore and research. That work is transformed into report-style writing which later becomes a script for a TED talk. Students present their Talks to classmates and to parents as a culminating event for the service.


Region 2 will provide two Summer Distance Learning services; Writing Champions and ELA and Math Project-Based Academies.
Writing Champions
For the full Writing Champions description, see the Regular School Year Services tab. This program will also be held virtually in the summer.
ELA and Math Project-Based Academies
  • Art-Integrated Science Classes – Math Focus
Students will experience virtual instruction through culturally-based art projects, which includes hands-on activities to develop students’ understanding of engineering and design. Classes are appropriate for students in grades 3 – 8 who need supporting in academic writing or mathematics.
  • English Language Development Classes – Writing Focus
Students will experience virtual instruction through English-language based lessons designed to help students develop English vocabulary, fluency, reading and writing skills. Classes are appropriate for students who have not yet been reclassified as Fluent English Proficient, and who are struggling to acquire academic levels of English.
Working in partnership with a California university, Migrant Education Region 2 will provide a residential program for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. Students live on campus, eat in the residential dining room, and experience college living. Students participate in courses that focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education and English Language Arts. Through the program, migrant students develop leadership skills, cultural pride, and confidence to apply to college. Programs integrate performing arts, drawing, arts and crafts, and cultural studies. This is a contracted service.
The Adelante Program is a college campus credit recovery program for migrant students throughout Sonoma and Mendocino County. The Adelante Program provides instruction in English, ELD, Math, Science, Social Studies, Life and Physical Science, Computer Science, and College Readiness. There is a strong cultural component to the program and the majority of the staff are bilingual, bi-literate, and bi-cultural. Two separate programs are held at different community colleges; Santa Rosa Junior College and Mendocino College.
Mi Escuelita Maya is a culturally-based school in Butte County. Students' daily work, the play they will develop, and the music/dance they learn will all be culturally based. The center prides itself on its dynamic atmosphere where students are actively engaged in their own learning as they collaborate with others as they practice vocabulary, write, or practice and present their plays. The center has a full staff supported by local groups including students from Upward Bound and Latinas in Action.
This program serves migrant students who are credit deficient. Often, students who are credit deficient have a difficult time managing the independent learning that is required for success in an online credit recovery platform. Teachers will check in with students daily, monitor progress, and reteach concepts to support the students through each unit. Tutors will be assigned to each student, to support their progress through the platform, providing academic, primary language and technical support where needed.


The Family Biliteracy Program brings parents and their preschool-age children together to participate in literacy and academic learning activities in preparation for kindergarten. Families will receive copies of the bilingual and bicultural books used in class along with a picture dictionary in the parents' primary language, with the goal of continuing to work on the skills learned in class. Students who participate in this program will increase preparedness for preschool and kindergarten. 

Family Support Paraprofessionals visit preschool-age children in their homes on a weekly basis for 15 – 18 weeks throughout the school year to deliver bilingual, 1:1 instruction in the development of vocabulary and bilingual language skills that the children will need to become successful readers. Students will learn preschool-level mathematics, shape recognition, science, health, music, physical development, and strategies to support their social and emotional development. The teacher will provide strategies for the parent to support their child with language and literacy, math homework, and their child’s development with self-regulation, social interaction, and relationships.

Summer academies will focus on developing both first and second language skills to prepare students for school. Students will learn concepts of print, alphabetic/word recognition, number sense, colors, shapes, name identification, and beginning name writing.  They will participate in activities to help them develop social emotional skills and problem solving. The teacher will model and describe a dialogic reading strategy for parents to use at home when reading aloud to their children.


Region 2 has three active parent advisory committees, one in each area (Santa Rosa, Woodland, and Oroville). These three PACs make up the Regional Parent Advisory Council (RPAC). At these meetings, parents receive training, review needs assessment data, review student achievement data, review and approve the budgets, review and approve the regional plans, provide input on the region’s goals and objectives, set priorities, provide advice on instructional programs and support services for migrant students, and provide suggestions for parent education programs and parent involvement activities. All meetings are public and open to all migrant parents to attend.
For more information, visit the Parent Advisory Council webpage.

Parent and Student Leadership Institutes support the development of leadership skills of parents, and in some instances students, and will be uniquely designed to meet the needs of the parent community within Region 2. Migrant only conferences address topics including mental health issues and services, physical education, health education, nutritional education or social services. All conferences will provide information regarding the services and resources available through the Migrant Education Program. Student Leadership sessions will focus on leadership development and will include lessons that address self-pride, cultural identity, and making healthy choices. 
For more information, visit the Parent Conference webpage.
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